Evapotranspiration is the sum of all processes by which water moves from the land surface to the atmosphere via evaporation and transpiration.


Professor Wilhelm Ripl of the Technical University of Berlin,

"What is overlooked is the fact that intact vegetation 'actively' helps manage the small water cycle, and keep the earth cool by converting sensible heat to the latent heat of evaporation".

CO2 is warming the planet, "evapotranspiration" is cooling.

I like to think of evapotranspiration as raining upwards, in the Amazon rain forest, a single large tree can transpire up to 1,180 liters of water per day, which adds up to trillions raining upwards every day. Evapotranspiration is occuring all the time in varying degrees across the planet, it's the amazing water cycle and it's cooling... when there's water to evaporate.

We understand that greenhouse gases warm the planet, but do we know what cools the planet.

The Thermoregulator of heat is water - water is cooling - "lack of water" is warming.

Land stores both water (aquifers) and heat (mass). When aquifers are low the land warms. Warmth stored in land mass accumulates, and unless water is present to evaporate and dissipate the heat - the heat increases the ambient temperature of the air - increasing air movement fuelling winds that dry the land - further drying and warming.

This pattern continues until water returns - whether by nature or by man.

Knowledge about what cools the planet is vital if we are to manage warming.

Both the carbon and water cycles are inexplicably linked - from a holistic view it is all interconnected - water, heat, soil, CO2, sun, land, sea, wind - everything is interconnected - holistic.

Suffice to say, the magnitude and the dimension of heat generated by desertification could be a sufficient driver of warming that may be included in a climate change world.