John J. Zulaikha

Founder: S.E.E.E.D. College.

Recording Engineer/Producer 1969-96.
Social Ecology 1997-9, Ecological Sustainability - University of Western Sydney, Australia.

I became aware of the archetypal positioning of subjugation that flows throughout our history. Embedded in our subconscious and, with the help of ego, undermines all conditions of human behaviour and well-being. It manifests to deny nature true authority.

As advanced as we are, human history is short and conscious awareness is yet to unveil. The 2020 pandemic marked a global shift in awareness when meanings and models of truth were changed, and the shifting sands made it difficult to stand on the shoulders of giants. There are now multiple juxtapositions and players of many-sided facets, including AI… everything is being challenged. 

We all need affordable clean water and energy. The Hubble telescope discovered the universe is speeding up - but we have yet to discover how to tap this unlimited energy. And health is at an all-time nutritional low, propagating medicines to an all-time high. In this way, education and discovery are important keys for humanity.

Helmut G. Schuster
Founder: S.E.E.E.D. College

“Rainman of the Desert”

Helmut has a passion for the world, traveling for many years eventually falling in love with Senegal on the west coast of Africa. From there has acquired a unique awareness of the African Migration problem from both sides of the borders.

The migration story began after having installed the world’s first Solar Thermal Desalination, to a chance meeting with the Anta Cheikh Band in Senegal – follow the passion.