The 1930's DUST BOWL struck from 1934 to 1937. 150,000-square-miles encompassing Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico just blew away. Over ploughing the soil removed the root system of grass as anchor, so the winds easily picked up the loose topsoil and swirled it into dense dust clouds, called “BLACK BLIZZARDS.”

We are living in a multi-challenged time. Awareness of the ecology, soil erosion and pollutions is now colliding with pandemics, wars and climate change. What can we learn from the unintended consequence of "Easter Island" and the "Dust Bowl"?


When I projected EARTH STORM I didn't expect 2020

Fact-checkers are blocking information saying it is misleading - which may be true in 2020 but the facts changed in 2022?
Governments and News Media are promoting vaccines as safe and effective in 2021... but an "experimental" vaccine can only be safe and effective over time. It's a little hard to dispute that.

So no one actually knows because we have to wait - only time will tell.

In 2022 Pfizer admits it was never tested for transmission... so the government and news media were wrong to single out the unvaccinated as the spreaders because it was never testedAt first it was deliveries delayed due to Covid - now it's war with Russia - and everything between.


The world is thrust into a panic.

Apart from the virus itself, we had a toilet paper shortage.

We actually didn't have a shortage but the panic induced fear caused it - the "perception" became a problem.

The world is falling.

The last thing one wants to run out of is toilet paper

- and we all follow for fear of no toilet paper. 

 Air (atmosphere),

Water (hydrosphere),

Land (geosphere),

Life (biosphere),

Economic (business),

Environment (nature)

Social (people).

When I projected EARTH STORM I didn't expect 2020

We have experienced Nature's support systems shutting down.

We know how that looks, how it smells. We know our role in man-made disasters, albeit in hindsight. Do we learn from our past, and walk a different path? Einstein said, doing the same and expecting a different result is insanity.

The Easter Island story "knowing it was the last tree, but still they cut it down" is a mirror for Man to see something he cannot see. It may not be completely true, but the powerful imagery compels, we need a bigger mirror. Water for fracking instead of farms. Fertiliser for crops, killing the soil. Hormones for fatter chickens. Nutrient deficient soil equates to nutrient deficient food, the obesity epidemic, animal cruelty, human exploitation, plastics.

History will repeat itself. But this time will Nature die to be reborn - is Earth Storm an extinction level event? The last tree, the last fish, the last drop... must we wake up and restore the soils, the oceans, the land, the eco and the people?

Yes we must look into the mirror and choose a different path.

We are the tree, the animal, the bird, we are One with everything, interdependent, inextricably linked, asleep at the wheel.

It is before us and we have been there countless eco times... but not on a global scale.

The Legend of Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, can be presented as a cautionary tale about the consequences of overexploitation and the importance of sustainable resource management.



Confucius: “The perfecting of one's self is the fundamental base of all progress and all moral development”


The Nobel Prize winning horse paste lol, it's funny now, but not so funny to those denied.


The inescapable.