Bill Mollison - Father of Permaculture - 1928-2016

Loved him from afar, laughed with his cynical wisdom, listened intently to his mischievous pokes,his passing will ignite permaculture beyond his dreams, a prophet in our time. 1928-2016

His system advocated agricultural ecosystems that were sustainable and self-sufficient.

Landmark book, "Permaculture One" - working with, rather than against nature - authored with David Holmgren in 1974.

He founded the Permaculture Institute in 1978, his ideas influencing hundreds of thousands of students worldwide.

Bill Mollison is the founder of the first and original Permaculture Institute, which was established in 1979 to teach the practical design of sustainable soil, water, plant, and legal and economic systems to students worldwide.

Bill has devoted all his energies to furthering the system of permaculture and spreading the idea and principles worldwide. He has taught thousands of students, and has contributed many articles, curricula, reports, and recommendations for farm projects, urban clusters and local government bodies.

In 1981, Bill Mollison received the Right Livelihood Award (sometimes called the "Alternative Nobel Prize") for his work in environmental design. In recent years, he has established a "Trust in Aid" fund to enable permaculture teachers to reach groups in need, particularly in the poorer parts of the world, with the aim of leaving a core of teachers locally to continue appropriate educational work.