Remember The Jetsons? Yes, that animated 1960s TV series about a space-age family who lived in a comical version of the future. Living in cities in the clouds, they cruised to work in flying cars, delivered their kids to school in pre-programmed flying pods, used elaborate robotic contraptions, and featured aliens and holograms.
Well, that future may be here, and sooner than you think. While people may still be living on the ground, flying cars are starting to make their mark.
Drive the Beach Buggy you want, the one that makes you grin from ear to ear. We have been tinkering with air-cooled vehicles. Creating cars that turn heads and create smiles. We have the knowledge and experience to create the beach buggy of your dreams.
• Long wheelbase (LWB) or short wheelbase (SWB) builds to your specification
• Wide range of solid or metal flake colours to choose from
• Beach buggies are road legal with a new MOT.
The Future of Sub-Surface Marine Transportation
The Jet Shark goes to the source for its aquadynamic profile — the shark. The Jet Shark seats four underneath a gullwing canopy, with air conditioning and dual piloting controls for the front-seaters. The doors can be left open or locked closed for short dives down to six feet underwater.