PopStar RockStar ACADEMY

Boy Band - Girl Band





PopStar Academy...


Will work with your PopStar to bring

out the best in their talents to Sing, Dance and use their wildest imagination! We will also encourage good citizenship and the importance of working within a team environment.

Your PopStar...


Will be involved in the entire process.

From writing and recording their own songs to choreographing their Dance moves and routine, and even designing their performance wardrobes!

Helping Kids, Teens & Adults Reach Their PopStar Potential!
PopStar Academy Offers Three Exciting Programs
PopStar Groups
Singing and Dance Groups similar to BTS, N'Sync & New Direction
RockStar Bands
Instrument bands writing and performing Rock'n'Roll songs
PopStar Seniors
Adult Vocal Groups similar to the Motown Greats!

Parents & Students,

          The PopStar Academy program is brand new. Because this is a new endeavor, we have no history or examples to show you. While our program is similar to other music and dance schools, we are also quite different in many ways. The end result of our program is to create Pop music groups similar to Boy Band and Girl Bands like; BTS, New Direction, The Spice Girls, Destiny's Child, and others. We will present some challenging movement and dance exercises while our students also work to compose and record their own songs! They will help choreograph the dance routine they perform while singing along to the music track of the song they wrote! All with the assistance and encouragement of the PopStar Academy coaches and instructors. Imagine the exciting and gratifying feeling our students will have once they have successfully performed the song and routine they helped write and choreograph!

           So, because the PopStar Academy is new, we are offering this program FREE for the first 4 sessions. Come take a look, participate, and if you or your child feels this program is not what you thought it was going to be, you can walk away without any cost. This offer applies to all of our programs. We, the creators and instructors at the PopStar Academy program are very confident we will be able to execute and complete this program to the satisfaction of all who participate.

Thanks for taking a chance with us, Andrew Hernandez, Heather Singletary & Associated Staff

The First Four Sessions/Weeks are FREE!