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                               Preparing a Starling
Clean and de-feather the bird.
Holding the bird belly-up, insert the point of the knife at the base of the body and cut away the breast, letting the ribs and backbone guide you.
Set the rest aside for later to turn into a stock
Peel the skin off the breast.
Clean breast meat in running water.
Prepare as you would any other poultry. Be sure to cook thoroughly at high temperatures.
Freeze if not using right away
*Be wear of salmonella, if smells rancid best to throw it out*

                                   Canning recipe
You will need:
     Pressure Canner
     Canning Jars
     Canning Seals and Rings
     Jar Lifter
     Canning Funnel
     Tea Kettle or Pot to Boil Water
     Sharp Knife or Kitchen Shears
     Towels, Dishcloths, and Potholders
     Cook the chicken until about 2/3 done.
     You can boil, bake, or even steam the chicken for this       step.
      Fill your jars with lightly cooked starling, leaving a 1        1/4-inch headspace.
      Add salt (1 tsp. per quart or 1/2 tsp. per pint) and top        off the jars with hot broth or water.
      Seal and store till ready to use

                                        Staling pie
You will need
       1 turnip
       2 carrots
       1/2 cup beef stock
       1/2 cup Dry red wine
       4-6 starlings ; breasted
       1 cup thin mashed potatoes
       2 eggs ; beaten
       1/2 cup beer (lager)
       1/2 cup Ripe olives
        Fry some chopped turnips and carrots.
        Add a little stock and a glass of red wine.
        Place some starlings or other small birds in the pan.
        Add a thin purée of boiled potatoes mashed with              beaten eggs, dry mustard, and some stock and a                little beer.
        Cover with stock and cook for about 30 minutes,              adding some ripe olives near the end.
Serves 6

                                    Starling Stew
You will need
        3 cups Starling Sstock (can be substituted with                  vegetable or chicken stock)
        3 lb Starking meat
        2 cup Celery
        2 cup Carrots
        1 cup Red Onions
        1 cup Spinage
        2 cups Potatos
        5 tbsp Salt
        5 tbsp Peper
        6 tbsp Rosemary
        4 tbsp Oregano
        6 tbsp Garlic powder

        Saute vegetables in a large pan
        Add to a pressure cooker
        Turn to low and add the stock and Starling meat
        Allow the mix to thicken for several hours
        Season to taste and serve
Serves 5

                               Fried Starling
You will need
         4 Starling Brests
         1 Egg
         Canola oil
         Bread Crumbs/ Panko
         Set up deep firer and bring oil to temp
         Cut the starling breast into strips
          dip them into flower, then a raw egg and then in              bread crumbs or panko mix fry for 2 minutes                    (make sure you do this the same day because they               stink after a day)

           Season and serve

Serves 6