Nepalese coffee has high potential for domestic and international sales. We promote coffee locally and internationally with our Gulmi Organic Coffee brand.
We show local Nepalese people how make and drink coffee. Our goal is to produce high quality coffee that supports Nepalese farmers, women, youth, and children.
DCF has been involved in the international coffee trade since 1997. We grow pure Arabica – Typica and Bourbon and a small amount of Caturra. We work with 3,000 small-scale coffee producers in Gulmi.
DCF is currently not certified organic, partially due to the steep costs of renewal. However, we still adhere to organic principles in our farming and operations.
We have a precise internal control system, following NASSA and JAS organic standards. This includes careful records of all inputs and outputs used on farms, no artificial fertilizers or chemicals, and soil testing. We also train farmers in composting, pest management, and soil management.
We care for our incredible biodiversity using certified organic farming systems. Coffee plays a big role bringing extra income through organic processes that conserve our natural assets.
DCF Gulmi also cares greatly for our farmers and their communities. We are dedicated to improving livelihoods, ending child labour, empowering women, and youth, and creating market opportunities.
Manager: Mr Yubraj Acharya
Office address: Resunga Municipality ward no. 8, Khaniguan, Tamghas, Gulmi
Processing address: Satyawati-6, Johang, Gulmi Phone: +977 984 750 6355