Virtually every electronic product is constructed with one or more printed-circuit boards (PCBs). The PCBs hold the ICs and other components and implement the interconnections between them.

OrCAD Capture is the industry standard solution for designing and developing PCBs because of its intuitive schematic editing, project management, extensive compatibility, and cost effectiveness.


PSpice is a SPICE analog circuit and digital logic simulation program. PSpice processes circuits and executes simulation. PSpice creates an output file to store the simulation results.

PSpice supports the following types of analyses: DC Analysis – for circuits with time-invariant sources. It calculates all nodal voltages and branch currents over a range of values; Transient Analysis – for circuits with time variant sources.


The ideal PCB design starts with the discovery that a PCB is needed and continues through the final production boards.

OrCAD PCB Editor contains full-featured PCB editor based on Allegro technology. Its extensive feature set addresses a wide range of today’s design challenges and manufacturability concerns such as intelligent placement and routing, constraint management, creating dynamic shapes, and design reuse.



AutoCAD Electrical is a CAD software for electrical designers and engineers. It is a widely used software for creating electrical and electronic diagrams, schematics, and control circuit diagrams and documentation.

AutoCAD Electrical comes with powerful drafting tools for controls and schematic design. Its rich repository of symbol libraries helps designers increase their productivity in electrical design tasks.


ETAP offers an integrated and interactive software solution for modeling, design, analysis, simulation, operation, control, optimization and automation of electrical power systems.

Power system experts trust ETAP for their most demanding projects. Only ETAP enables users to successfully and cost-effectively conduct power system monitoring and predictive simulations, using their original ETAP design model and combining it with real-time data.


Revit programming, from Autodesk, gives mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineers with devices to plan the most complex building frameworks.

Revit MEP helps creators upgrade joint effort, investigation, outline, perception, and documentation. The product underpins economical outline choice making, and enhances BIM-based building execution work processes.