Since, engineering simulation helps companies avoid the cost of product failure, companies are investing in creating virtual simulation platforms. Big brands are driven by great products, and great products result mainly from realistic simulation.

Traditionally, companies would design parts or subsystems in different engineering silos, and then subject their prototypes to physical tests at the later stage of product design. However, this physical testing will not give enough data for companies that produce smart products: cars, cell phones, wind turbines, etc that use thousands of components. Hence, virtual engineering simulation is increasingly preferred. Knowing how to do it is an important engineering software skill.

ANSYS has a whole set of products for you to perform simulation of structural aspects of a single product or complex interactions of subsystems. It will help you understand how products would work not only in ideal environments but also changing users environments or during unexpected consumer usage.


3D modeling is being preferred not only by customers, but also by engineers and designers because they offer many advantages over the traditional 2D design. So, you need to learn 3D CAD, and SolidWorks is one of the widely used 3D CAD tools in the industry.
SolidWorks can help you convert your ideas into product designs quickly, and effectively. Even without having any prior experience in animation, you as an engineer or designer can produce an animated movie of your 3D product design almost instantly. This will help you communicate your product ideas better to a non-technical person.
SolidWorks comes with libraries of over one million pre-built or pre-designed components, so you don’t have to re-design industry standard components – like screws, nuts, bearings, etc.
SolidWorks is focusing on growing a community of designers/engineers who are actively publishing their drawings online. There are millions of 3D drawings available for you to use or get inspirations.


At CADD Centre, we help you master the following capabilities of engineering simulation using ANSYS:

  • Systems & Multi Physics
  • Electromagnetics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Structural Mechanics
  • Geometry Interfaces
  • High-performance Computing
  • Simulation Process & Data Management
Our courses will make use of ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS HFSS, ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS RedHawk and other ANSYS products.


  • You will be know how to simulate and validate the performance of products of all manufacturing sectors including automotive, power electronic products, electronic equipment, electromechanical devices, and electrical systems.
  • You will know how to simulate every structural aspect, including linear static analysis, of a single part of a complex assembly with hundreds of components interacting through contacts or relative motions.
  • You will know how to perform fluid flow analysis to know the impact of fluid flows on your product while manufacturing and when used by customers in real world applications.
  • With your mastery in simulation, you will contribute not only to success of products but also cost management, product integrity, designing smart products, and reduced time-to-market.