
Children’s Burial Assistance Inc. (CBA) provides help to families who are in of need of assistance for the the proper burial of a deceased minor child, 1 to 17 years of age. Families in need of this assistance should apply right away.

Please be advised that CBA does not provide financial assistance for funeral service fees or grave markers

Resource Database

CBA’s resource data base includes funeral homes, crematories, cemeteries, grave marker and headstone companies, casket companies, florists, and other service providers. Many of these funeral homes provide CBA families with low-cost and often, at-cost services. When funding is limited, these resources are used to assist families. Often resources are combined to provide additional savings for families.

What Help is Available?

Gifts In-Kind

Donated Burial Plots, in our inventory, are provided to families to help off-set the cost of a burial. Urns are provided to families, based upon availability, for a child that has been cremated

  • Who is Eligible?

    Families without life insurance on their child or money saved to bury them.

  • How Do I Apply?

    The parents, legal guardians, or family member of the deceased child that is in need of a burial plot should apply online here.

  • Who Can You Contact with Questions?

    Inquiries can be made by contacting Children’s Burial Assistance (404) 507-6310 or email, if you have any questions.