OFA Hips: Excellent
OFA Elbows: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
Patella: Normal

EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear

DM: Clear

PK Deficiency: Clear

Laryngeal Para/Poly: Clear

HUU: Clear

NARC: Clear
RD/OSD: Clear

HPNK: Clear


CYS: Clear

CMS: Clear

Long Coat: Clear

Ullrich Con Mus Dys 1: Clear

Ullrich Con Mus Dys 2: Clear

PRA/crd4: Clear

SK2: Clear

MTM1: Clear

Elliptocytosis: Clear

GR-PRA2: Clear

CDDY with IVDD: Clear

Ehlers-Danlos Syn 1: Clear

Ehlers-Danlos Syn 2: Clear

Myotonia Con: Clear

Starlight Labs Goodween JH

DNA: eeBB Yellow

Weight: 91 lbs


AKC Junior Hunter Title

Health Clearances

Merlin is one of our boys that we imported from the Ukraine when he was a youngster. He has spent some time in the show ring in the Ukraine as well as the US. He also has done great in the field for his Junior Hunter title. Merlin is our goofy boy that loves everyone and is super easy to have around. He throws a really nice block head on his babies. He already has produced some CH babies himself.
