Share your story. Tell the world how you got started. Think back to what first inspired you to go into this line of work. Talk about what makes you special and different.
Here is a good place to talk about where you're from, your background. and so on.
1. (46) God is the Love in which I forgive.
²God does not forgive because He has never condemned. ³The blameless cannot blame, and those who have accepted their innocence see nothing to forgive. ⁴Yet forgiveness is the means by which I will recognize my innocence. ⁵It is the reflection of God’s Love on earth. ⁶It will bring me near enough to Heaven that the Love of God can reach down to me and raise me up to Him.
2. (47) God is the strength in which I trust.
²It is not my own strength through which I forgive. ³It is through the strength of God in me, which I am remembering as I forgive. ⁴As I begin to see, I recognize His reflection on earth. ⁵I forgive all things because I feel the stirring of His strength in me. ⁶And I begin to remember the Love I chose to forget, but which has not forgotten me.
3. (48) There is nothing to fear.
²How safe the world will look to me when I can see it! ³It will not look anything like what I imagine I see now. ⁴Everyone and everything I see will lean toward me to bless me. ⁵I will recognize in everyone my dearest Friend. ⁶What could there be to fear in a world that I have forgiven, and that has forgiven me?
4. (49) God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.
²There is not a moment in which God’s Voice ceases to call on my forgiveness to save me. ³There is not a moment in which His Voice fails to direct my thoughts, guide my actions and lead my feet. ⁴I am walking steadily on toward truth. ⁵There is nowhere else I can go, because God’s Voice is the only Voice and the only Guide that has been given to His Son.
5. (50) I am sustained by the Love of God.
²As I listen to God’s Voice, I am sustained by His Love. ³As I open my eyes, His Love lights up the world for me to see. ⁴As I forgive, His Love reminds me that His Son is sinless. ⁵And as I look upon the world with the vision He has given me, I remember that I am His Son.