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1. (26) My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.
²How can I know who I am when I see myself as under constant attack? ³Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me. ⁴All my hopes and wishes and plans appear to be at the mercy of a world I cannot control. ⁵Yet perfect security and complete fulfillment are my inheritance. ⁶I have tried to give my inheritance away in exchange for the world I see. ⁷But God has kept my inheritance safe for me. ⁸My own real thoughts will teach me what it is.
2. (27) Above all else I want to see.
²Recognizing that what I see reflects what I think I am, I realize that vision is my greatest need. ³The world I see attests to the fearful nature of the self-image I have made. ⁴If I would remember who I am, it is essential that I let this image of myself go. ⁵As it is replaced by truth, vision will surely be given me. ⁶And with this vision, I will look upon the world and on myself with charity and love.
3. (28) Above all else I want to see differently.
²The world I see holds my fearful self-image in place, and guarantees its continuance. ³While I see the world as I see it now, truth cannot enter my awareness. ⁴I would let the door behind this world be opened for me, that I may look past it to the world that reflects the Love of God.
4. (29) God is in everything I see.
²Behind every image I have made, the truth remains unchanged. ³Behind every veil I have drawn across the face of love, its light remains undimmed. ⁴Beyond all my insane wishes is my will, united with the Will of my Father. ⁵God is still everywhere and in everything forever. ⁶And we who are part of Him will yet look past all appearances, and recognize the truth beyond them all.
5. (30) God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.
²In my own mind, behind all my insane thoughts of separation and attack, is the knowledge that all is one forever. ³I have not lost the knowledge of Who I am because I have forgotten it. ⁴It has been kept for me in the Mind of God, Who has not left His Thoughts. ⁵And I, who am among them, am one with them and one with Him.