The Unleashed Spiritual Artist
Unleash Your Divine Potential with Jennifer, Spiritual Growth Coach

Available Monday through Friday 10am - 6pm EST

Through dedication to a healthy diet and exercise I have lost 100lbs - I know WOW – You’re all probably thinking I'm another health nut whose niche is everything fitness and diet - WRONG - The weight loss and becoming physically healthy is great and wonderful ,and very much important to continue to maintain, however, that isn't the most important change I have gone through.

The Unleashed Artist

It’s finding the love for myself - Finding my best friend, Soulmate, and Partner in Crime who has also shown me on a daily basis as to how I deserve to be loved and respected – It’s all of that, that has helped Unleash the Artist I have been becoming.

I have always been passionate about Art, crafting, DIY Projects, Painting - Anything Crafty and Creative, and now having someone to share my creativity with who also encourages me do more, and embraces my true self. This is what I have loved and appreciated the most. It is what I am passionately driven towards - A Career in which I Love, that I want to share with the world and continue enhancing my knowledge and skills.

I'm a 34 year old woman with a 17 year old daughter. Yes, I was only 17 when I became a momma. Divorced after a 12 year marriage in which I lost myself completely. I allowed myself to be placed on the back burner. I totally lost all the dreams and aspirations I once had for myself and my life. That in turn, sculpted me into a very sad, unhealthy woman. I turned to “eating” my emotions and feelings and relied on drugs to get any "Feel Good" moments. Those were the only times where I felt as though I was alive.
There are a few good things that came from those years though. They taught me how to love myself and the importance of self care. Those years helped me grow into who I am today and who I want to continue to become. I learned what love really was and how it should feel, all by learning to love myself first.

At the end of 2020 was the beginning of finding myself. 2 years ago, I was 283lbs, completely unhealthy. Physically and Mentally. I began putting myself and my health first, I reunited with an old high school acquaintance who quickly became my best friend, who is now my other half. who has helped "Unleash the Artist" and Creator I have always wanted to be and that was always there.