On this page is the 'Official' Registration form.
Everyone is REQUIRED to complete and submit this form to participate.
Everyone is also required to have a NYS one day Fishing License which you can purchase online at dec.ny.gov or any outdoor stores, tackle shops. No one should register and pay until they have confirmation of a captain/boat and team!
Use the Form Below
Fill out the form below or download it, complete it and enclose it with your payment by check, as instructed.
$250 Team entry Fee (Cash or Check) Please make check payable to: Greater Niagara Pro Am (memo line: Reelin’ For A Cure)
*If Captain needs a slip at Olcott or Wilson, Please reach out to marinas directly. If you do not have a team/boat yet, please let us know by sending an email: reelinforacure@yahoo.com or click on the link on our website reelinforacure.com and our committee will do our best to assist you.
WAIVER OF LIABILITY: By signing this document the person whose signature appears below acts as representative of the team and agrees to the following:
I hereby release, discharge and waive all claims of any type against Reelin’ For A Cure and/or Sponsor and any persons officially connected with this event, including the Tournament Committee, from ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY, LOSS CLAIM OR DAMAGE OF ANY TYPE ARISING OUT OF/OR RELATED TO OR CAUSED BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS OR ANY EVENT, ACTIVITY OR ACTION OCCURRING AT OR DURING THIS OR ANY COMPETITION SANCTIONED BY REELIN’ FOR A CURE.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decline entry or participation by any person, team or boat, as deemed necessary, to ensure such things as integrity, image, reputation, and financial performance and community relationships with sponsors, participants and supporting groups.
I acknowledge receipt of the rules and regulations, certifying and consenting to have shown copy of it to all team members and agree that I will abide by all tournament rules and will accept the decision of the tournament rules & protest committees and agree that the decision of the tournament rules & protest committees will be final and I will PURSUE NO ACTION contesting any decision of the rules & protest committees.
I assume all responsibility for team members under the age of 18.
I understand that all photos, video or any other materials that may be used for future promotion are property of RFAC.
I understand that all applicable taxes are the responsibility of the winners.
I state that I have read this document in full and understand that I am giving up all rights to damages from injuries to any person and/or property, as well as giving up all rights to seek damages as a result of the tournament rules, protest or full committee decision.
Mail payment (if paying by check) to: Stephanie Pierleoni / P.O. Box 212, Newfane, NY 14108
Captains Meeting: Thursday, August 14th, 2025 @ 6:30pm
Ladies Fishing Tournament: Friday, August 15th, 2025
All Ladies Team Captains and Boat Captains must attend (not the entire team-thank you)! Entry Fee: *$250.00 per team (*cash or check). Projected Payouts are based on the number of registered boats, which will be announced at the Captain's meeting. We will payout – BIG Fish and 1st through 5th place at a minimum. Monies raised from fundraising events this year will go to Beneficiary-not selected yet. Announcement to be made on Facebook-Reelin' For A Cure.
Reelin' For A Cure General Rules are also enforced for this Tournament.
**ELIGIBILITY: The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decline entry or participation by any person, team, or boat, as deemed necessary, to ensure such things as integrity, image, reputation, financial performance, and community relationships with sponsors, participants, and supporting groups. Friday, 8/18 -- Tournament time – 6 am – 12 pm. Shotgun starts at 6 am out of Olcott and Wilson Harbors.
TOURNAMENT SCORES: 1 point per pound and 10 points per fish, using our certified tournament scales.
The entry fee is $250.
(Cash or Check ONLY)
It gets you...
So, sign-up to go 'Fishin' for a Cure'!
You may also mail your payment (by check) of $250 to:
Attention: RFAC
P.O. Box 212
Newfane, N.Y. 14108
All fees/donations involved in the Reelin' for a Cure event are tax deductible.
(We can issue an official receipt, if you desire one!)