Cavalier king Charles spaniel
The cavalier is a small toy size breed dog , known for their big puppy eyes and long floppy ears the cavalier can be found in 4 different colours Blenheim (Red and white) Ruby (Solid red) however some white marking may be present, Tri Colour (black white and red) Black and tan (solid black and brown) some white may be present. They have a lazy lapdog nature, happy and loving personalities. They love to please their owners enjoy cuddles and sofa sleeping they make the perfect family dogs and require a small to medium exercise level they are easy to train and require a low level grooming however they do shed so they would not be suitable any one with allergies to pet hair. Cavaliers do not like to be left on their own for long periods of time. They very much enjoy company and do well with other pets. They can suffer from separation anxiety but this tends to only be if they experience long periods of alone time with no other dogs to keep company.
The Cavapoo is a small to medium breed dog this depends on the poodle parent, The poodle parent can come in a small toy size a medium miniature size or large standard size however its rare to have a pairing of standard poodle size and not a size we offer.
The Cavapoo can come in 3 categories F1 this is the first generation a paring of a full poodle and full cavalier 50/50 this can result in a mixture of curly, wavy and Straight coat types. F1B this is a back bread combination where a parent is already a Cavapoo and one parent is either a full Cavalier or Poodle, for a cavalier parent coat will be more wavy Straight and Poodle parent curlier. Then there is the F2 this is a paring of 2 cavapoo parents coats type will be mixed and varied.
Cavapoos have a slightly more active nature this is from the poodle breed. They have a higher level of exercise needs but not excessive they also have a higher-level grooming need, the curlier the coat the higher the need. You would expect a Cavapoo to be groomed 6 to 8 weekly with bushing in-between. Cavapoos also make great family dogs they are intelligent and very easy to train. Cavapoos are very low to non-shedding and ideal for any allergies suffers. Cavapoos thrive on attention love and company and have a happy and playful nature. They love to run and enjoy company of other pets.