Eco-Tours & Environmental Education

Phone for Enquiries & Bookings
0414 414 291

Harmony Visions - Who We Are

Harmony Visions (Health & Environmental Education Promotions) was established in 1989
by award-winning environmental educator, Jeannie Lawson and her husband, David Fitzgerald.

Jeannie Lawson

“My love and respect of nature has led me to become a passionate advocate of environmental education, and it is the foundation on which I base everything I do.”

Through her natural curiosity and her many years of study Jeannie has a deep understanding of the natural world which she shares in inspiring ways.

In 1998 she began the community headland whale watch program on the NSW Central Coast which has allowed her to reach thousands of people about the wonderous marine environment she so loves. In 1999 she founded the marine conservation group, Ocean & Coastal Care Initiatives, and in 2005 was one of the founding members of the Whale Dreamers Festival. She was instrumental in writing the blueprint for the Clean-up Australia Day campaign. All these events and groups are still carried on today, and growing into the future.

She has contracted to many NSW and local government agencies and is currently a National Parks & Wildlife Service Discovery Guide, Fingal Island Eco-Guide for Imagine Cruises as well as developing courses and tours through her own eco-tour business, Harmony Visions.

History is another interest of hers and she combines many of her tours with history and nature together. “To know an environment you must find out what has happened to it over time. That invariably leads to the ‘people history’ of a place, and that can be fascinating.”

She has won several awards: the Coastcare Local Hero Award, Federal Government Volunteer of the Year Award, and in 2011 the state and national ‘Pride of Australia' Medals.

Jeannie is a qualified and experienced tour manager, bush regenerator, educator, naturopath and event organiser. She specialises in small group tours, workshops and activities for seniors groups, schools and families.

Jeannie receiving the
National 'Pride of Australia' Medal
from the then CEO of Australian Conservation Foundation, Don Henry.

David Fitzgerald

- One of the first crew members of Helicopter Rescue Service
- Co-organiser of 'Save Riley's Island' Campaign
- Earth watch scholarship for Arid Recovery Project in remote South Australia
- Adviser and builder for State Forests and National Parks & Wildlife Service
- Extensive work in youth education- Co-writer of blueprint of Clean-up Australia Day (with Ian Kiernan)