Katheryn Hudson | Janet Stasulli | W. Tyler McDonald | Pablo Mocezuma | Sherylee Brown
Toni Orange | Bill Owsley | Kathryn Brown | Lydia Anguiano | Maren Urbanic | Regina Schirtzinger |
Suzanne Scott | M Lynn | Mike Williams | John and Wanda Stewart | Todd Roach | Eric Conger | Emma Welt
Merri Cleavland | Tiffany and Tara Ferrell | Linda Cleavland | Dominick Stasulli | Bonnie Ross | Lauren Hogge
Richard & Lisa Arthur | Billy Wood | Doug Sweeney | Horance & June Wooldridge | Ivan Kirby |
Jeff & Michelle McKisic | Marilyn Blankenship | Mark & Sharon Thayer | Micah & Stacey Torrence
Jeannett Cudmore | Richard & Carolyn Knapschaeffer | Clarence Rogers | Melinette Pallares | Jay Maxfield
Catherine Shepherd | Jon Ohlinger | Tim Madril | John Brisco | Donna Weeks | April Wolfe | Dena Amos
Jane, David & John Caldwell | Thomas & Carole Davis | Gianna Olson | Rosemarie Bisulca |
Jimmy & Christiana Coleman | Jean Nowakowski | Anna Lucille Fowler | Karen Nichols
Merri Cleavland | John Stewart | Janet Stasulli | Phil Kelley | Michael Lynn | and all the FSA teachers & admin
and all the FSA teachers & admin
Love to recycle and help out education-minded groups?
We have a solution for you now!
Give us your used printer cartridges once you have completely drained every last ounce of ink out of them. We will send them in to our partner, PlanetGreen, and they will send us a check once we have reached our goal.
Click the button below to learn more, shop through our link and we receive a 10% referral fee, at no cost to you! Many of these cartridges are equal or below the price you would normally pay so it is a win-win situation!
Let us know if you want to send them in directly to the company, we can send you a postage paid envelope. Please use our reference code: 32448 on a short note that you put inside with your cartridges. Thank you!
Use your Kroger card to shop and support FSA!
By using your Kroger card when you shop, a percentage is given back to FSA.
All you need to do is log into Kroger.com, go to bottom of home page, click on "Kroger Community Rewards" and search for Free State Academy or BW253 and then enroll."
Thank you for supporting FSA!