The name Bowman is an English version of the Bauman surname, pronounced the same. BAUMAN is of German origin, meaning builder or construction---- Bauman (n) comes from Palitinate region of Germany, other variations Baumann, Baughman (n). In researching the Bowman name you will also find the spelling different from what we use today. You will find the Bowman surname to be Boman, Beauman, and Bauman, and these are just a few ways that it may be spelled.

The Bowman name is associated with the English and Scottish, meaning, "One who was an archer; one who made bows." This explanation is one of many who have researched our name. I am sure you will find other meanings for the Bowman family name. However, we will begin with John Bowman, Jr. During the early 1700 slaves used their master’s last name and this is a possibility of how we came to be known as “Bowman”.

John Bowman, Jr. was born 1745, in Glasgow, Scotland. He emigrated November 13, 1768, from Scotland to South Carolina. He traveled to Georgia and Florida, but returned and settled in South Carolina. He was trained as a lawyer, and also was a planter on the Santee River, in South Carolina. Nothing is known about his wife, or other family. The above information was found in the book "Voyagers to the West", and also in the Scottish Presbyterian Church records, in Monroe County, Pennsylvania and, also some DAR records. (The information on John Bowman, Jr. was taken from the internet on Roots Website.) Could this be the start of the Bowman family name?

That was the beginning of the Bowman Family Name Genealogy. The first family reunion was established by the descendant of Gabriel (Toby) and Venus Bowman on August 7, 1982 in Santee, South Carolina. The second reunion was held on August 11, 1984 at the Holiday Inn in Santee. In 2017 the family decided to have reunions every 5 years.  Even number years would be held close to the original family site near Summerton, SC and odd years would be held in a location decided upon by the majority of the family.

The Bowman Family Reunion Committee for 1982 and 1984 was established as an opportunity for family members to gather on a joyous occasion. The Committee did consist of the following individuals:

Chairman ~ Willie Bowman, Jr.
Vice President ~ Altha Bowman Loney
Recording Secretary ~ Vickie Bess Bowman
Assistant Secretary ~ Alice Sanders Bowman
Financial Secretary ~ Freddie Hall
Treasurer ~ Robert Lee Bowman
Chairperson History Committee ~ Cheryl Bowman Deas
Chairman Entertainment Committee ~ Eleazer Loney
Chairperson Food Committee ~ Modestine Bowman Hall

According to the census records, Gabriel (Toby), Scipio (Monka) and Cleveland (Rheen) were born in St. Paul Township, Clarendon County South Carolina. Upon further research, it was revealed that the Bowman brothers had World War I Draft Registration Cards from 1917-1918. Presently, nothing is known about their father or mother.


Gabriel was born in 1889 in Clarendon County, South Carolina and Venus was born 1890 in Clarendon County. They had six children:

Charlie Bowman (Preston)
Issac Bowman (Dardy)
Willie Bowman (Bill)
Sadie Bowman Pugh
Rachel Bowman Manigault (Gracie)
Victoria Bowman Brown (Vick)

Gabriel died November 7, 1933 in Clarendon County and Venus died July 17, 1930 in Clarendon County.

Scipio was born in 1892 in Clarendon County and Sara’s birth date is unknown. They had two children:

Pernice Bowman Montgomery
Isaac Bowman

Scipio (Monka) date of death is unknown and Sara died in 1929.

Cleveland was born in 1900 in Clarendon County and Mary’s birth date is unknown.  They had five children:

Azalee Bowman Tindal
Buster Bowman
Susan Bowman Clark
Annie M. Bowman Simmons
Joseph Bowman (Bubber)

Cleveland and Mary’s date of death is unknown.

History of Reunions and Locations

We have been blessed with generations of family members who now live across the United States in California, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington, DC.

"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage -
to know who we are and where we came from.” - Alex Haley, Roots