Coleman & associates

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Experiences for Our clients

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This presentation is from 2016.

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2022 Ontario (Canada) Library Association Podcasting Panel

Our bespoke learning workshops/events range from individual presentations (60/90/120/180 minute Keynotes/Webinars); short form experiences, (half/full/multiday; live/online/blended; 1-3 day engagements); or longer organizational development and/or learning engagements.

Each engagement's delivery style, method, and length are customized for each client.

We will work with you to assess and analyze your needs and develop learning experiences to help you create a better world and exceed your expectations.

Here are some of the workshop/events we currently deliver.  Scroll down this page for more examples of our work.

Free Tools for Success

Free digital resources are overlooked as digital divide bridges for the professional and personal use. These powerful and diverse products can stretch library and customer dollars while providing similar functions to many popular and expensive programs. Get to know many (70+) useful and free tools, programs, and websites you can use to be thrifty and productive. We will discover and discuss resources and explore the true cost of "free" on the net.

Library Security and Privacy 101 or Is There Really Any Privacy? This workshop/event is for librarians and librarian-adjacent staff (that means everyone who works in a library) who want to know more about personal and patron privacy and protecting mission-critical information. In the security and privacy journey of a thousand steps, this class will get you (and your library) moving in the right direction.

Customer Interaction Strategies: 3 Sides of Success  Participants in this workshop/event will get customer service insights, practical advice, and useful tools to create consistently positive customer interactions and defuse potentially challenging customer situations. You will learn about effective strategies and tips for creating positive experiences with customers, coworkers, and constituents.

Leading from the Front Lines or You are the Guardians at the Gate
You may not know this, but you are the leaders in the fight against ignorance, censorship, and misinformation. When your customers think of the library, they think of you! You are the guardians at the gates, truly unsung heroes who deal with all types of chaos and disorder throughout the days and nights at your library. This workshop/event will celebrate your awesome work, get some tools to fight the good fight, and learn some techniques to make deeper connections with your customers.

Change - It is Ain't Easy, But It is Worth It This workshop/event will show front-line staff the way they are the true leaders of change and how to overcome common barriers to change in any organization. They will learn skills to create an atmosphere that fosters successful personal and institutional change.

Leading Transformative Change – Making a Better Organization It is hard being the face of change in any organization. You have to balance the triumphs and restraints of instuitional memory, the ever-evolving temperature of your staff, customer needs, local government, and industry trends, all while creating and planning for the future. This workshop/event will show participants how to lead positive change from the front, the side, and the back of the organization.

Begin with One Step: How to start talking about Inclusion & Belonging at your Library. The words Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice represent hard but necessary issues to address globally, nationally, and locally. It is not easy to acknowledge different views, cultures, and lifestyles or ensure everyone who should have a place in the conversation is in the room when having the conversation. This event/workshop will introduce you to techniques and resources to help start the conversation around these issues with your staff and partners, and how to decide your next few steps.

Teach your SME to be Free (To Be A Great Facilitator!)
Do you have Subject-Matter Experts who know their stuff, but don’t do well presenting their stuff? This workshop/event will teach your SMEs and new training/facilitation leaders vital skills, so they can present information and run learning events that will create positive learning outcomes, tangible results, and lasting change for the learners and their organizations.

Social Media Presence 101 Great, your library has decided to step do some social media! Now, what? This workshop/event will start you on your way to promoting, posting, tweeting, friending, and trending. Learn social media basics, beginner best practices, management and policy tips, audience cultivation techniques, and some best practices around social media.

Post-Pandemic Staff Development and Training: How Can We Support
This workshop/event will show you how to create and support smart staff development programs as if your library depends on them--which it does! The program will also share how to avoid some common mistakes made when creating staff development programs and some actionable strategies to create and support transformative and memorable learning events (trainings, webinars, and workshops).

How to Facilitate Learning/Programming in the Current Library Environment, or You Got Your Chocolate in My Peanut Butter.. This workshop/event is all about learning/program event planning. How do you ask the right questions to find the best delivery method for your objectives, audience, and staff capacity? Participants will get practical, actionable tools and resources (and tricks) that will make their learning events and public programs participatory, practical, and memorable.

Want to hit the ground running? Fill out one of our questionnaires below.  I want to know more about your event and organization to create a program that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Coleman & Associates Live Event Questionnaire

Coleman & Associates Online Event Questionnaire

Contact us (use the form below or if on a mobile device use the button below or Contact Us in the menu) to discuss our current programs and fees.

All engagements based on any topic can be 60/90/120/180 minute webinar or keynote talk, half/full/multiday live/online/blended events based upon your needs and our analysis.