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Your body breaks down all carbohydrates into sugar. The outcome is glucose. Although we need glucose because it is what gives your body energy, the body makes enough on its own.
So, because they are low in fiber and digested quickly, eating refined carbs can cause major swings in blood sugar levels. This can contribute to overeating and weight gain. This is because foods high on the glycemic index promote short-term fullness, lasting only about one hour or less.
Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains, are not "fattening”. They are high in fiber and digest slowly.
Refined carbs, however, substitute the body's fat stores with sugar and contain almost no nutrition. Essentially they are empty fillers that only provide a temporary sensation of fullness, replace body fat with glucose, cause over-eating which eventually leads to unhealthy weight gain.
Some complex carbohydrate-rich, whole foods are extremely healthy. These are great sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and various beneficial plant compounds.
You may want to replace refined carbs with healthy complex carb-rich foods such as fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, root vegetables and whole grains, like oats and barley. Bread, pasta and cereals should all be made with complex carbs. Refined carbs should not be consumed more than two to three times per month.